
My new niece was born this weekend!

So this weekend was the celebration of my 40th birthday with my sorority sisters, my parents' anniversary and my sister's husband's birthday.  My parents had big dinner plans, I had a full spa day planned with 2 of my girlfriends, my husband had a golf day planned with 5 of his friends, we had a 40th surprise birthday dinner for another friend, and my sister had a special evening planned for her husband for his birthday.  Busy day for all.  6am, phone rings.  Sister in labor.  Heading to hospital.  Ack!  Call spa.  Cancel appointments.  Call husband (I was in Napa where my sister and parents live).  Tell him to cancel his golf plans and come up asap so he can watch our baby and my sister's first baby.  Call wife of our friend whose birthday dinner was that night and cancel our appearance.  Head to hospital.  Get text from sister, telling me to take my time, they were waiting for the anesthesiologist.  I stop at Peets.  Wait in line, get latte.  Text sister, "want anything?"  She texts back, yep, a coffee & something to eat for her husband would be great.  I get in line again.  Get his coffee.  Text to ask if he wants cream or sugar.  No response.  I sit down at a table to enjoy my latte and see if she texts back, cuz they don't have creamer-to-go at Peets.  Wait 5 minutes.  No response.  Hum.  Get up, mosey to the car.  Drive to the hospital.  Parking lot under construction, no spots.  Park two blacks away.  Mosey to maternity ward.  Walk in the door, my stepdad is waiting inside, says, "She's having the baby RIGHT NOW."  Oh god.  Run down the hall to the nurses' station, trying not to spill two coffees, station is empty.  Not a human being in sight that can tell me where my sister is.  Run down another hall.  No one but a non-English speaking orderly.  Finally I stand in the hallway and yell, "Is there ANYONE here who can tell me where my sister is??" Two nurses appear from somewhere and proceed to debate if they know who my sister is.  Finally one says, "Oh!  I think that's the girl in #3, but she's delivering right now."  Duh.  Run to #3, hear commotion from within, walk in, baby is crowning!  NO PAIN MEDS.  There wasn't time.  The baby decided she was done with being inside while they were waiting for the epidural.  There wasn't even time for oral or IV meds.  3 pushes, she's out.  Holy cannoli!  First words out of my mouth, "Oh my God, she's huge!"  Beautiful, but BIG.  Sure enough, my superwoman sister had just given birth, with zero medication, to a 9 lb, 12 oz baby...the size of my daughter at two months.  And you know what?  She never even screamed.  Or broke a sweat.  Despite the ungodly pain.  I am in awe of her.  And of this beautiful baby girl who has joined our family.  And you know what else?  The baby came so quickly that I ended up making it to my spa day after all.  And my husband made the back 9 of the golf round.  AND we made it to the surprise birthday dinner that night.  A very full day of all good things.  Congratulations, sister!  :-)

1 comment:

  1. Oh my! Megan IS a superwoman! Wow. So happy that all is well and everyone is happy and healthy!
